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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

A welcome break with the tradition

The chief adviser’s convoy was seen stuck in a traffic jam in the capital, suggesting a departure from standard VVIP movement protocol.
A video, which has gone viral on social media, shows the car surrounded by security forces stuck in a traffic jam in front of the Jibon Bima Tower.
The license plate of the black car had “Prime Minister” written on it. It is not clear when the video was taken. It is not clear if Prof Yunus was in the car.
The car was flanked by his convoy while his personal security detail, the Special Security Force, got out of their vehicles and encircled his car.
As regular people attempted to get a better look, an SSF officer with a loudspeaker told people not to approach the car.
“Stay on the sides of the road. Maintain a safe distance. Do not attempt to cross the road here. Do not steer your cars here. Rickshaws from the left of the road cannot come into the right lane,” said the officer.
In all previous administrations, the prime minister and president’s motorcades enjoyed seamless commutes by completely blocking and emptying the roads they travelled without prior notice.
Pedestrians were not allowed on the footpaths or overbridges during their movements. Even street hawkers had to close shops and leave.
